该游戏由网友上传分享,请在24小时内删除,由下载使用产生的版权问题请自行负责,爱吾不承担任何法律责任,如果您喜欢该游戏请购买官方正版。爱吾 不拥有任何权利,其版权归该游戏的合法拥有者。如果该游戏侵犯了您的版权,请将相关版权证明或授权证明发送到邮箱service@25game.com,我们将在24小时内删除该游戏
&lltt;9999999 GP&ggtt;
0067E828 0098967F
&lltt;Clubs and balls unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 00000088
2067E609 00000033
DC000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
&lltt;Shirts and shorts unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 00000032
2067E691 00000033
&lltt;Suits and Visors unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 0000009C
2067E6C3 00000033
&lltt;Gloves and Shoes unlocked&ggtt;
2067E75F 00000033
&lltt;Costumes unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 00000028
2067E7FB 00000033
&lltt;Ball Goes In From Anywhere(Press L while the ball is in play.)&ggtt;
D3000000 00000000
002725D0 0A000003
00271A48 2A0002E1
00271A24 DA0002EA
DD000000 00000200
002725D0 EA000003
00271A48 E1A00000
00271A24 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000
点播游戏 | 爱吾游戏宝盒 | 手游排行榜 | 上架游戏
&lltt;9999999 GP&ggtt;
0067E828 0098967F
&lltt;Clubs and balls unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 00000088
2067E609 00000033
DC000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
&lltt;Shirts and shorts unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 00000032
2067E691 00000033
DC000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
&lltt;Suits and Visors unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 0000009C
2067E6C3 00000033
DC000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
&lltt;Gloves and Shoes unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 0000009C
2067E75F 00000033
DC000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
&lltt;Costumes unlocked&ggtt;
C0000000 00000028
2067E7FB 00000033
DC000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
&lltt;Ball Goes In From Anywhere(Press L while the ball is in play.)&ggtt;
D3000000 00000000
002725D0 0A000003
00271A48 2A0002E1
00271A24 DA0002EA
DD000000 00000200
002725D0 EA000003
00271A48 E1A00000
00271A24 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000