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various codes
highlight arcade 选择 at the main screen, hold x加y加z, 并 press start
方法:at the main menu, hold x加y加z 并选择 ''deep scan.'' then hold all the buttons until the game begins.
效果:extra subs (deep scan)
方法:during gameplay, press x加y加z加start.
效果:soundtrack remix
方法:press 并 hold x加y加z加a加b加c at the main menu, then choose ''deep scan''
效果:faster subs (deep scan)
方法:at the main menu , highlight die hard arcade , then press 并 hold x加y加z加b. you will now have 4 credits 并且 the enemies will be a little harder to defeat .
效果:hardcore mode
方法:at the main menu, highlight ''deep scan'' 并 hold x,y,z, 并 press start. now the deep scan mini game will be more difficult.
效果:hyper deep scan
方法:highlight arcade 选择 at the main screen, hold x加y加z, 并 press start
效果:different soundtrack