
益智 • 360KB
英语 益智策略闯关惊悚重口味魔幻桌球暗黑风战斗欧美风
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  • 平台: MD厂商:
  • 原名: Dragon's Fury (USA, Europe) 发布: 1年前
  • 该游戏由sixshot上传分享


    该游戏由网友上传分享,请在24小时内删除,由下载使用产生的版权问题请自行负责,爱吾不承担任何法律责任,如果您喜欢该游戏请购买官方正版。爱吾 不拥有任何权利,其版权归该游戏的合法拥有者。如果该游戏侵犯了您的版权,请将相关版权证明或授权证明发送到邮箱service@25game.com,我们将在24小时内删除该游戏

  • 官方简介 naxat soft的弹珠台游戏三部曲之二——pce平台的《恶魔弹珠台(devil crash)》发行于1990年,比《异形弹珠台(alien crush)》晚了2年。它保留了与前作相同的设定,将弹球与中世纪幻想主题和移动目标结合起来,并有着与前作非常相似的控制和游戏物理,你仍然可以在开始每场游戏之前选择快速或慢速的弹球。除此之外,和前作相比这款新游戏还进行了改进,有了几个明显的变化。
    technosoft对这个游戏进行了修改并将其引入世嘉md平台中,命名为《龙之愤怒弹珠台(dragon's fury)》,md日版仍然叫《恶魔弹珠台(devil crash)》,实际上pce平台欧美版和日版的《恶魔弹珠台》在名字上只差了前面单词的“ 's ”和后面单词的“a”或“u”(欧美版叫《devil's crush》,而日版叫《devil crash》,不仔细看很容易忽略,汗)。2个版本的游戏控件是相同的,虽然主桌面没有任何更改(除了细微的外观更改),但进行了一些其他方面更改。你可以在选项模式下修改球速,还可以根据自己的喜好自定义控件。由于md机能限制无法显示像pce那样多的颜色,所以视觉效果会更明亮、更褪色,不过看起来还是不错的。另外,md的高分辨率允许在屏幕右侧增加一个状态栏。虽然游戏的结局几乎完全相同,但被重新绘制了。这2个平台版本使用了相同的作曲,但technosoft在其内部使用了完全不同的合成器进行编排。technosoft还收录了他们以前几款游戏中的5首歌曲(可通过特定密码访问)。
    也许因为这款游戏是面向更容易上手的主机发行的,或者更可能是因为它巨大的影响范围,所以《恶魔弹珠台(devil crash)》是该系列中最受欢迎和最知名的游戏。无论如何,这款游戏确实可以与其他优秀游戏相提并论,其md版本绝对是主机平台上最好的弹球游戏。

    hidden options menu(the japanese version)
    entering a加b加c加start at the same time at any point in between the sega logo 和 the title screen will open a secret options menu that allows you to reconfigure the control configuration, choose between two ball speeds, 并 to access a sound test about sound fx 和 the remarkable bgms.

    选择 balls
    enter the options menu (the hidden options on the japanese version), change the music test to 15 和 sound test to 00. then highlight tilt mode, press 并 hold a加b加c, then press down, then left. you should now see a new ball option to choose between 3 和 6 balls.

    start ball at top screen
    immediatley after you release the ball hold up the right flipper. the ball will automatically go up to the top screen.
    this also works in《devils crash (md)》(the japanese version)

    enter at password screen.
    0 points, 0 balls——————————0000000000
    0 points, 98 balls——————————dibw3nvjk5
    0 points, 99 balls——————————timetrial0
    0 points, 99 balls, no music—————timetrial1
    1000000 points, 3 balls———————plazmaline
    11250000 points, 98 balls——————98am3g1ebf
    2000000 points, 10 balls———————technosoft
    333333300 points, 33 balls——空空sandaa空空
    464900 points, 10 balls———————tf2hztf3em
    555500 points, 33 balls——————0956335555
    644095900 points, 15 balls—————tbekvktem6
    68000 points, 16 balls————————16bit68000
    77700 points, 7 balls—————————luckylucky
    999999900 points, 0 balls——————libyfwjid3
    999999900 points, 21 balls—————alclae8eck
    999999900 points, 98 balls—————lnenaxuell
    390000 points, 7 balls————————devilcrash
    13383000 points, 98 balls———————ufelfo78tl
    start in the final level———————6renaxuemw
    no music—————————————bgmoffmode
    music 选择:when you
    play the game that song
    will always be the bgm
    (fill in the “?” with a
    number 00—04 to 选择
    sixshot2023/6/22 7:24:48


    hidden options menu(the japanese version)

    entering a加b加c加start at the same time at any point in between the sega logo 和 the title screen will open a secret options menu that allows you to reconfigure the control configuration, choose between two ball speeds, 并 to access a sound test about sound fx 和 the remarkable bgms.

    选择 balls

    enter the options menu (the hidden options on the japanese version), change the music test to 15 和 sound test to 00. then highlight tilt mode, press 并 hold a加b加c, then press down, then left. you should now see a new ball option to choose between 3 和 6 balls.


    start ball at top screen

    immediatley after you release the ball hold up the right flipper. the ball will automatically go up to the top screen.

    this also works in《devils crash (md)》(the japanese version)


    enter at password screen.


    0 points, 0 balls——————————0000000000

    0 points, 98 balls——————————dibw3nvjk5

    0 points, 99 balls——————————timetrial0

    0 points, 99 balls, no music—————timetrial1

    1000000 points, 3 balls———————plazmaline

    11250000 points, 98 balls——————98am3g1ebf

    2000000 points, 10 balls———————technosoft

    333333300 points, 33 balls——空空sandaa空空

    464900 points, 10 balls———————tf2hztf3em

    555500 points, 33 balls——————0956335555

    644095900 points, 15 balls—————tbekvktem6

    68000 points, 16 balls————————16bit68000

    77700 points, 7 balls—————————luckylucky

    999999900 points, 0 balls——————libyfwjid3

    999999900 points, 21 balls—————alclae8eck

    999999900 points, 98 balls—————lnenaxuell

    390000 points, 7 balls————————devilcrash

    13383000 points, 98 balls———————ufelfo78tl

    start in the final level———————6renaxuemw

    no music—————————————bgmoffmode

    music 选择:when you

    play the game that song

    will always be the bgm

    (fill in the “?” with a

    number 00—04 to 选择


    版本: 设备:华为mate30 0    0
    sixshot2023/6/21 22:11:50


    hidden options menu(the japanese version)

    entering a加b加c加start at the same time at any point in between the sega logo 和 the title screen will open a secret options menu that allows you to reconfigure the control configuration, choose between two ball speeds, 并 to access a sound test about sound fx 和 the remarkable bgms.

    选择 balls

    enter the options menu (the hidden options on the japanese version), change the music test to 15 和 sound test to 00. then highlight tilt mode, press 并 hold a加b加c, then press down, then left. you should now see a new ball option to choose between 3 和 6 balls.


    start ball at top screen

    immediatley after you release the ball hold up the right flipper. the ball will automatically go up to the top screen.

    this also works in《devils crash (md)》(the japanese version)


    enter at password screen.


    0 points, 0 balls——————————0000000000

    0 points, 98 balls——————————dibw3nvjk5

    0 points, 99 balls——————————timetrial0

    0 points, 99 balls, no music—————timetrial1

    1000000 points, 3 balls———————plazmaline

    11250000 points, 98 balls——————98am3g1ebf

    2000000 points, 10 balls———————technosoft

    333333300 points, 33 balls——空空sandaa空空

    464900 points, 10 balls———————tf2hztf3em

    555500 points, 33 balls——————0956335555

    644095900 points, 15 balls—————tbekvktem6

    68000 points, 16 balls————————16bit68000

    77700 points, 7 balls—————————luckylucky

    999999900 points, 0 balls——————libyfwjid3

    999999900 points, 21 balls—————alclae8eck

    999999900 points, 98 balls—————lnenaxuell

    390000 points, 7 balls————————devilcrash

    13383000 points, 98 balls———————ufelfo78tl

    start in the final level———————6renaxuemw

    no music—————————————bgmoffmode

    music 选择:when you

    play the game that song

    will always be the bgm

    (fill in the “?” with a

    number 00—04 to 选择


    版本: 设备:华为mate30 0    0
    在线玩 爱吾游戏宝盒下载