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hidden options menu(the japanese version)
entering a加b加c加start at the same time at any point in between the sega logo 和 the title screen will open a secret options menu that allows you to reconfigure the control configuration, choose between two ball speeds, 并 to access a sound test about sound fx 和 the remarkable bgms.
选择 balls
enter the options menu (the hidden options on the japanese version), change the music test to 15 和 sound test to 00. then highlight tilt mode, press 并 hold a加b加c, then press down, then left. you should now see a new ball option to choose between 3 和 6 balls.
start ball at top screen
immediatley after you release the ball hold up the right flipper. the ball will automatically go up to the top screen.
this also works in《devils crash (md)》(the japanese version)
enter at password screen.
0 points, 0 balls——————————0000000000
0 points, 98 balls——————————dibw3nvjk5
0 points, 99 balls——————————timetrial0
0 points, 99 balls, no music—————timetrial1
1000000 points, 3 balls———————plazmaline
11250000 points, 98 balls——————98am3g1ebf
2000000 points, 10 balls———————technosoft
333333300 points, 33 balls——空空sandaa空空
464900 points, 10 balls———————tf2hztf3em
555500 points, 33 balls——————0956335555
644095900 points, 15 balls—————tbekvktem6
68000 points, 16 balls————————16bit68000
77700 points, 7 balls—————————luckylucky
999999900 points, 0 balls——————libyfwjid3
999999900 points, 21 balls—————alclae8eck
999999900 points, 98 balls—————lnenaxuell
390000 points, 7 balls————————devilcrash
13383000 points, 98 balls———————ufelfo78tl
start in the final level———————6renaxuemw
no music—————————————bgmoffmode
music 选择:when you
play the game that song
will always be the bgm
(fill in the “?” with a
number 00—04 to 选择
hidden options menu(the japanese version)
entering a加b加c加start at the same time at any point in between the sega logo 和 the title screen will open a secret options menu that allows you to reconfigure the control configuration, choose between two ball speeds, 并 to access a sound test about sound fx 和 the remarkable bgms.
选择 balls
enter the options menu (the hidden options on the japanese version), change the music test to 15 和 sound test to 00. then highlight tilt mode, press 并 hold a加b加c, then press down, then left. you should now see a new ball option to choose between 3 和 6 balls.
start ball at top screen
immediatley after you release the ball hold up the right flipper. the ball will automatically go up to the top screen.
this also works in《devils crash (md)》(the japanese version)
enter at password screen.
0 points, 0 balls——————————0000000000
0 points, 98 balls——————————dibw3nvjk5
0 points, 99 balls——————————timetrial0
0 points, 99 balls, no music—————timetrial1
1000000 points, 3 balls———————plazmaline
11250000 points, 98 balls——————98am3g1ebf
2000000 points, 10 balls———————technosoft
333333300 points, 33 balls——空空sandaa空空
464900 points, 10 balls———————tf2hztf3em
555500 points, 33 balls——————0956335555
644095900 points, 15 balls—————tbekvktem6
68000 points, 16 balls————————16bit68000
77700 points, 7 balls—————————luckylucky
999999900 points, 0 balls——————libyfwjid3
999999900 points, 21 balls—————alclae8eck
999999900 points, 98 balls—————lnenaxuell
390000 points, 7 balls————————devilcrash
13383000 points, 98 balls———————ufelfo78tl
start in the final level———————6renaxuemw
no music—————————————bgmoffmode
music 选择:when you
play the game that song
will always be the bgm
(fill in the “?” with a
number 00—04 to 选择