幻想水浒传5 国际

角色扮演 • 3.74GB
其它 角色武侠回合冒险战国国战战斗探险剧情奇幻
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  • 平台: PS2厂商:
  • 原名: Suikoden V (Europe) (EnFrDeEsIt)发布: 4天前
  • 该游戏由香槟雪梨上传分享


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  • 官方简介 queen arshtat presides over the rich queendom of falena, which is named after her. it is stated that the sun rune, which is one of the fabled twenty-seven true runes, shields falena from any all threats by cooperating with the twilight rune the dawn rune. not very long ago, the people who lived in the town of lordlake rose up in opposition to the reign of the queen. in order to put an end to the uprising, the queen employed the power of the sun rune, which resulted in the death of lordlake’s leader as well as the transformation of the surrounding area into a desolate burned wasteland. the utilization of the rune also caused the formerly kind compassionate queen to develop mental instability.on the other hand, the traditional sacred games are currently taking place. the winner earns the privilege of vying flymsleia’s hand, who is both a princess the heir apparent to the throne of falena. through scheming, plotting, other underhanded tactics, two influential aristocratic factions are competing against one another fcontrol of the championship. in the end, one of them plans an attack on the royal castle, during which they succeed in kidnapping the princess seizing control of the country. the prince of falena, who is also lymsleia’s older brother, is able to flee with a handful of his allies thanks to arshtat, lymsleia’s father. the prince is tasked with assembling an army, gaining the support of many other groups nations, regaining control of his realm.suikoden v is a direct prequel to the first game takes place eight years before the events of the original game, making it a chronologically distant sequel to suikoden iv. the ability to maintain one’s own castle, a rune-based magic system (with limited casting of spells instead of magic points), the ability to recruit 108 characters to assist the hero on his quest are all elements that are present in this installment of the series have been carried over from previous games. as in the first two games, the player is responsible fmanaging an active party consisting of six characters, each of whom is commanded independently, while four additional characters serve as backup. now that the party gains advantages femploying alternative positions strategies, party formation plays a crucial role in the overall experience. individual characters have the ability to carry out combination strikes, the specifics of which change based on who else is currently engaged in combat. the skill system from the third game has been brought back:characters now have the opportunity to study a variety of passive skills that both improve their fighting behaviboost their parameters.in this version, the duel bouts are timed, the player will need to make a hasty decision regarding which attack type to use before their opponent carries out their move. the previous entries’ real-time strategic conflicts have taken the place of the turn-based tactical army..
    希望2025/3/25 17:06:51


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    香槟雪梨2025/3/24 15:02:18


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