
射击 • 23KB
日语 射击空战飞机闯关
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  • 平台: GBC厂商:
  • 原名: Volley fire发布: 10个月前
  • 该游戏由Maxie上传分享


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  • 官方简介 volleyfire is a shooter with simple gameplay mechanics: two space ships (in later levels up to three against the player) are placed on the lower respectively upper side of the screen, can move left right try to shoot each other. between them are obstacles which obfuscate the shots and, depending on the level, may move horizontally vertically. when the latter is the case, a collision should be avoided. every successful shot lowers the energy bar of the opponent when it runs out (all of them in case of multiple enemies), a life is lost. after one of of the sides has lost three lives, the match is over.
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